I visited a lighthouse... That's my never done task for the week. It was beautiful, and something I could have done a long time ago, but never did.
It inspired me creatively as well... Which I will be putting onto paper shortly.
But back to the Lighthouse. Of course these days the beacon is operated by an engine, but way back when they had lighthouse keeper's. These people had a serious job to do. So serious that they would get a year off for every two years they worked.
And there's something romantic about the whole lighthouse lifestyle. I mean these people lived apart from society, but at the top of this lighthouse you can see all that's going on below. I'm sure it could be very lonely and difficult. It's not really a glamorous job considering they had to carry 50 pounds ( of gasoline in a bucket) up 300 plus stairs every two hours... but still, it's appealing. Maybe it's the solitude.
There's definitely substance there for a story...many stories really. I just have to choose what story I want to tell.
And my revelation for today...
A friend and I were talking today, both aspiring film makers, and after seeing Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds we realized the reason we could excuse all the blood and guts is because you can tell Tarantino doesn't do it because he wants to be showy...but rather because that's what HE would want to see in a movie. So now, when making a movie, I'm going to be sure to ask myself 'what would I want to see?'. It may sound selfish, but it's guaranteed to have more passion behind it than if I were to solely worry about pleasing my audience. So thanks Tarantino...
Good insight! Do it on your terms, and the audience will follow.