

2009 was progressive, and a glimpse of getting my life to be what I want it to be, and really realizing what I want my life to look like. I'm still figuring out some of it as I go, and that's part of the fun of life, creating it as you go. Trying things, and then changing things, and keeping the parts you want to keep. And then you have to figure out how to gain the things you want while also keeping the good parts you want to remain in your life. It's a lot of work- all for the sake of...happiness. Everything we do truly is in hopes of making ourselves happier. What makes you happy doesn't necessarily make me happy, and that's beautiful to me.

The past 3 years have been a lot of self discovery, and a lot of time for myself. I believe the better you know yourself, the better your chances at creating a meaningful life for yourself.

This year, I feel and hope, will be a time to begin seeing what I want come to fruition. These past three years were about discovering what I want. The difference of these past three years and going into the year 2010 is that I have a clearer idea of what I want.

So let the fun begin.


I LOVE going to the movies

Went to the movies today...

I can't describe it adequately with words, but there's just something that I feel so connected to with the art of filmmaking. And that feeling I get, when sitting in that dark theatre, watching a story come to life that used to be nothing but an idea, is a catalyst for my own self motivation. I love it.


You Never Know What's Just Around the Corner...

It's so true. My aunt reminded me of this tonight.

So I am back. Since my last post I have graduated! What a relief! Now I am ready to really go for it! IT being everything I've ever wanted. For me IT is- a successful film career and a family. So the journey begins. Well, it's already been on its way, but a new chapter has begun.

Graduation weekend was the greatest! Having friends and family there made it so special and everything was so much fun.

The question everyone asks me now is....now what? Thankfully, I have an answer! I found out (the day before graduation) that I am going back to intern at the Cannes Film Festival this May. The biggest and best film festival. I am ecstatic.

In the meantime, I'm back home in Tennessee. I feel it's exactly where I should be before I fly away to France. And after France, who knows where I'll go. I didn't know I would be going to France until about a week ago, which just goes to show... you never know what's just around the corner.