
Power & Beauty

You know what is ridiculous? I just cropped a picture for Facebook because I did not like the way my stomach looked in it. It was a bathing suit picture.

I don’t want to care about that stuff anymore. I want to take care of my body and eat healthy, but I do not want to obsess and judge myself anymore. I was thinking about this picture that was taken at the beach, and wondering why it bothers me so much that I would feel the need to crop a picture for Facebook. It doesn’t make anyone love me any more or less. No matter how tight my abs are- that does not affect my happiness. Sure, perhaps it would give myself a temporary boost to have a six pack, but my body is beautiful now and I don’t want to always be striving for it to be better. I do not want to be in the rat race of always thinking things could be a little bit better.

Then I began to think about how if I have a daughter I want her to feel free from judgement and not obsess about her looks. I want her to love herself and see herself as I would see her- with unconditional love.

I started to think about how I would react to the picture of myself if it were my daughter or a best friend (since we should love and treat ourselves with that unconditional love we have for those nearest and dearest to us). My reaction would be totally different. I would love the picture! I would tell her she looks beautiful and really mean it! And that’s the reaction that I should have toward myself.

And I know I’m not the only one. I’ve watched most of my friends do this. We pick apart each picture of ourselves. “Don’t post that, my arm looks fat” or “Gross. I look disgusting.”

I want us, and I mean women, to let go of those insecurities and see ourselves through the eyes of unconditional love. Because in that space, five pounds doesn’t make an ounce of difference. And I want us, as women, to be less judgmental of each other. But how do we do this collectively?

I believe there is change happening. We’re finally starting to see a shift in the idea of what ‘perfect’ is. And it starts with the individual.

I know I still have work to do in this area- but I am hoping that sharing this with you helps us to individually and collectively embrace our power and own our beauty.



My posts are likely to be few and far in between for a while, but for an exciting reason...

I am writing a book!

I leave you with this wonderful message from Mumford & Sons as a tiny glimpse into what this book is about.

"Love it will not betray you
dismay or enslave you
It will set you free
Be more like the (wo)man you were made to be. "

Sigh No More



I have to tell you.

God has healed my heart.

The past two months have been incredibly introspective and spiritual.

I've been working on myself- admitting and letting go of fears, shifting my perspective on situations, using love as my guide instead of making decisions that are ego or fear based, praying a lot, having lots of personal realizations, and uncovering my authentic self.

And I don't think it's just me. This seems to be a time of transformation for a lot of people. Excited because now the inner work that I've been doing is starting to manifest in the physical.

Such as, I got accepted into grad school today!

I hope you all are going through some positive changes too!