
Love is a Choice

I used to think of romantic relationships as mostly a fated thing, but I don't see it that way anymore. I believe that many of the people in our lives are fated, but what happens in those relationships is up to us.

And now I don't believe that there's necessarily a wrong choice when it comes to love (as long as you are not acting selfishly or out of ego). Instead I see each choice as providing a different outcome; not necessarily better or worse, but different.

Anyway, that's my musing for the night.

I'm back!

I've been gone for a while getting my life in order, but now I am back! I've been getting a lot of pageviews so thank you for that, and I will start posting again so there will be new blogs up much, much more frequently. Thanks for reading. :)

The Grass is Greener

I've been thinking about geography. About how I ended up here in Gainesville, and thinking about my other experiences in the cities I have lived. Those cities being Franklin, St.Augustine, Jacksonville, and Los Angeles. For every city I have lived in one thing remained the same. People that had lived there for years would cynically ask me, "Why would you move to ----?" Even in L.A. this happened. It seems to me that all of us, to some extent, have the grass is greener syndrome.

I had this for a long time. Until this year, I constantly moved. Looking back, I see that it was a way for me to figure my life out. It was my means to an end. If I hadn't moved, especially to Los Angeles, I would have always wondered, "Would I be happier if I were living in L.A.?"

For me, it wasn't my happiness. But that experience helped me to realize that we are not a victim of our circumstances...

Owning and believing that I am the author of my life has granted me much more power than I used to credit myself with. Instead of believing in fate, I believe in choices. I believe there are some fated occurrences that have happened and will happen throughout my life, but ultimately I make the choice in how I want to react, or participate in said circumstances.

I guess what I am saying is life no longer drags me along for the ride. I have finally moved into the driver's seat.