
Post Grad Flight Attendant

I thought of something I want to do post graduation!

I want a job as a flight attendant! (Like Claire from Elizabethtown... minus the thick southern accent.) This way I can travel, meet new people, and in my spare time work on writing and film.

However my bubble was burst when I researched it last night...no one seems to be hiring. I guess I shouldn't be surprised there. Hopefully as the economy gets better, that will change. Hurry up already economy! I graduate in 3 months!

Anyone have an "in" with an airline and can help me out? That'd be nice.

Otherwise I am going to be thinking of new ways to make money once I graduate. I need an enjoyable, non-demanding side job (no more retail!!) so that I can work my way into the film industry. I'm going to look for some P.A. jobs, but those only last as long as the production...hmmm.

Lots to figure out in 12 weeks.


My Morning

Not a bad morning to have.


Contest Win!

I won a contest! Okay, this isn't exactly something "I've Never Done"...I remember being 12 when my cousin and I won tickets off the radio to a Blink 182 concert.

But THIS is better. It gives me a little validation for my writing. I'll take all that I can get because honestly, I kind of was wondering if I still had it. I mean, when I was in middle school and high school I wrote and wrote...and I got validation for it. Teachers always commenting and that kind of stuff, but since college I haven't really been writing for anyone but myself. At least not creatively speaking. So it's just been me and my pen and my own ambition to guide me. But that's okay, because I don't write for validation. I write because I love it!

What I wrote was very simplistic. But that doesn't make me any less excited about winning! (I just don't want anyone getting a picture painted in their head that I won a book deal or something.) I did win a really good filmmaking book though!

And all of this came about thanks to blogging! A fellow blogger created the contest. If you are into film or witty writing you should check his blog out.

Great start to the week! Hope you got a great start too!

Here's what got me the win:
(The topic was to write why you are a 'Kid in the Front Row')

I wanted to become an actress when I was six years old. (wait...don't stop reading there.) I remember the first time I decided this. It was while watching "My Girl". Oh, I thought that Macaulay was the coolest kid around. He was my first crush.

So came the acting classes and numerous school plays...then came college. Then I began to discover there may be more to film that I want than to just be in one. I want to make one, or two, or three, or however many I can.

You know that feeling you get from watching a great film? And by great I mean great to YOU. Not every film is going to be a "Schindler's List" or "Slumdog Millionaire"...but to someone- some one, my movie could be that important in their world. That's what matters to me.

So, I am a kid in the front row because this business is hard to grasp onto, and trying to break into it can be quite humbling. I've learned the only way to make it in the world of film is to love it, but as in just about every life matter it takes more than love to get the ball rolling.

It takes thirst for knowledge and a listening ear. Now, I've learned I can't acquire the knowledge I need if I'm sitting in the back row. And the view may be a bit skewed if I play it too safe (near the emergency exits) at the side. So I'm the kid in the front row because to me, it's the only place to be.


Farmer's Market

So I got up this morning and went to the Farmer's Market that Saint Augustine holds every Saturday morning.
Many things were happening...like a lady asking why her turtle plant had died.

A woman making lion art.

And free massages...of course. What Farmer's Market doesn't have that?

Then it started raining...so that was that.

And now I am going to go back to sleep for a while.


Self Improvement, Please

Whoa...It's almost been a week since my last post. Things have definitely picked up in my life with classes starting back, and this being my final semester. However, I will happily use this as a procrastination tool when I feel necessary.

Last week was all new. But not any remarkably new experience to speak of. However I am taking classes that will actually give me material for this blog. I'm going to be creating a magazine (along with three other students) and honing in on my photography skills (actually find out if I have any). So soon I will start posting more pictures to keep you thoroughly entertained.

In one of my classes, Positive Psych, as a semester project I have to decide what I want to work on in terms of me. What should I improve on....hmmm. I have an idea, but delving into it for an entire semester kind of makes me uncomfortable and will be a lot of work (so I know I must be on the right track!)

So I am going to ask...what would you work on? What are some weaknesses that you see in yourself or other people that should and could be improved upon. Leave a comment! You can keep it anonymous if you want. We all have room to grow...sometimes it's harder to see when it's yourself though! After all we only have our extremely bias point of view. :)


Monthly Wrap Up

It's already September, and this blog has been going for very close to a month. So how about a wrap up? I started this to document experiences I've never done (see above title). It's time to take inventory. Here's what we've got so far:

  • Bought a car for the first time (Went to the dealership alone...scary).
  • Made pasta sauce.
  • Watched a total of 22 movies (most I've ever seen in a month).
  • Investigated a lighthouse.
  • Wrote my first short screenplay.

Sure some seem more insignificant than others, but what I've realized is that they have a ripple effect. For example the short that I wrote was majorly inspired by my visit to the lighthouse. So I needed the one thing to get to the other. Aren't most things like that in life? To get to where you want to be there's almost always a myriad of steps that work together to get you to the final destination.

One of my favorite quotes by MLK really helps me to keep my eye on what I aim for, "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase".

Looking forward to September!