
A Small Miracle

There was a small miracle that occurred today...
The snow finally melted, and it was warm and sunny... Which means, I got my headshots! To many, this means little. But to me it means, auditions here I come! Let the rejection begin! I'm kidding, of course. I'll be naively hopeful and think that every audition I go to I'm going to get. Because, why not?

I hope your day was miraculous, too.


What do you Desire?

I'm in insomnia mode. I'm tired, but can't go to sleep. You see, I've been converting home videos to DVD ALL DAY. I'm snowed in!

Watching all these home videos is really emotionally tiring. It's like reliving part of my childhood, and my childhood wasn't all that grand. Of course, the movies mostly document only the good stuff, but there are feelings that arise related to the time period of each video.

Anyway, I'm just hoping that if I write I'll get tired and won't have all these thoughts swimming in my head.

I did come across such an important movie that I did not remember! In it my grandmother asks me what I want to be when I grow up, to which I assuredly reply "an actress". It was so surreal to hear myself reaffirm my childhood dream which I am pursuing as a career now! I knew I felt that way as a child, and loved acting, but it was so good to hear it out loud. It really reaffirms this desire that I've always had in me.

Once I graduated high school it was hard for me to admit to other people that my dream was to be an actress. There's a sense of responsibility that I felt I had to do something more "stable" and predictable. But that's where we start to stray... when we start worrying about other people's expectations for ourselves.


My dad was meant to be an artist. He loved drawing and creating. However he settled for a state school after his mom strongly discouraged him from going to art school.

His mom, my grandmother, recently told me that it is one of her biggest regrets. He got married after a year or two of college (to my mom) and then fell into the family business owned by my grandfather. He fell into a life where he was just existing, and working solely to pay the bills when (especially a soul like his) needed much more to be truly at ease and free. He passed away when I was 15.

I know my dad would want me to go for what I absolutely love to do! It makes me happy to know that I can make up for his lost opportunity. If you already aren't, then I hope that you do the same for yourself and go for whatever it is you DESIRE.


Bored in the Theatre: A Travesty.

Looking forward to the new show coming out called 'Parenthood'. I'm willing to check out anything produced by Ron Howard (creator of Arrested Development).

Another week is upon me, and still no headshots...thanks to SNOW. Please lay off, snow. I would like to accomplish some stuff this week, thank you. It's not like I live up north where I should be expecting this kind of weather.

I hope everyone is having a grand Valentine's Day. My birthday falls the day before, so it doesn't really get to me if I don't have a "valentine". Particularly this year has been great. For my birthday I went out with one of my best friends whom I've known since elementary school. We saw Valentine's Day....

Which brings me to my point:
Valentine's Day is NOT a good movie by any stretch of the imagination. I would like to hear someone's argument for why they liked the movie. I got extremely bored watching it, and that doesn't usually happen to me when I'm IN the theatre. (Although I did have a birthday martini or two in my system.) But I stand by my opinion that it was a poorly written screenplay. The movie solely rides on the fact that there are 10 billion stars in it.

Oh well.
Happy Valentine's.



I sent in my short this week to be a part of the Cannes Short Film Corner. It's a project I made last semester- being my final semester in undergrad. After submitting it to my senior portfolio, I went back and edited it to clean it up before submitting it to Cannes. Definitely like the final product better than the school submission.

Having it at Cannes will give me an upperhand in networking. And it really is short (only 5 minutes) so perhaps it will actually get some play time. The title of it is "Glimpse".

This week I am getting headshots and pictures taken to create a portfolio so that I am audition ready. You can't really go to auditions without a headshot handy. So the sooner I get those pics, the sooner I can get to auditioning!