
Some Fragmented Thoughts

Sometimes it's hard not having family around. But, I love Florida and feel like it's where I am supposed to be. I never felt like I belonged in Tennessee. Tennessee is beautiful and I love Franklin and Nashville, but to paint a clearer picture- it's like that feeling of being in a relationship with someone- who may be a great person and on paper everything makes sense, but there's not really a lot you have in common with the person and there's a heartfelt disconnect there. That's how I felt all the time growing up in Tennessee. It just isn't the right fit for me.

I make most of my decisions based on intuition. That may sound fickle, but it's usually the opposite because when I intuitively know a decision is right for me, there is nothing that will change my mind. In the past, whenever I questioned my intuition, it ended up being correct anyway. These days, I have learned to completely trust it, and as a result it has been making my life much smoother- helping me to let go of inner battles, to trust myself, and to trust God.

Right now I have a few hunches about what's to come in the next few months. And I'm so ready for these things to happen.

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