
Le tired

I've been super tired lately. Once I get up and going I'm fine, but been needing lots of sleep. I don't know what the deal is. At first I thought it may be a thyroid problem, but I don't have any other symptoms. Now I'm thinking it may be a Vitamin D deficiency since I haven't been out in the sun in such a long time. And whenever I am, I wear sunscreen. I take a multivitamin, but maybe I'm not absorbing all of it. I don't think I'm low on iron. I eat a lot of veggies that contain iron like spinach and broccoli, and my multivitamin has iron. I don't know. Hopefully it'll get better. I've been sleeping for about 9-11 hours a day and then still usually take a nap. I have been working out a lot more too so maybe my body is getting used to that?

I guess I'll try a Vitamin D supplement. Strange. Thankfully I've never really had any health issues which I am really grateful for so hopefully this is just me needing some sunshine!

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