
Wow, I think I'm Going Vegan

Okay, when I used to think of vegan I either got a mental image of a hipster kid or an extreme hippy mom (think Maggie Gyllenhaal's character in 'Away We Go'). So pretty much when I thought of vegans I thought of extremists, or just people who were trying to be trendy.

But I knew there must be some truth to it. For the past couple of years I've been flirting with the idea of a Vegan lifestyle. Every couple of months I would try some sort of vegan recipe, which I would end up really enjoying. But being a broke college student health cost more, and I wasn't ready to do my research or get serious about eating Vegan. Money was somewhat of an excuse, really I just wasn't ready for an entire change in my nutrition. It would have been so inconvenient for the lifestyle I was living.

But I'm not in college anymore. To cut to the chase, today it came together for me. I was in a bookstore, as I often do whenever I have extra time on my hands, and began to read Alicia Silverstone's "The Kind Diet".

And it clicked.

So I'm beginning this. Full force. At the first of the year I did a nutritional cleanse. Since then my diet has improved dramatically, and there has been a change in my body. For example, I don't crave sugar nearly as much as I used to. (I've even given up my once daily frappuccino habit without disdain. They just don't taste great to me anymore.) But now I know that was just a stepping stone into an even healthier lifestyle.

Now that I have this knowledge there's no way I could, in good conscience, continue my diet as is. Knowledge is power.

I'll be in the kitchen a lot this week...wish me luck, it's not my most familiar place.

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