
Already Over It

I'm already over trial #2 of internet dating. Now I remember why I stopped the first time.

It's too much work! I'm only 25...well, 26 in a couple weeks. But the point is that I'm still young! Why am I putting myself in the trenches when I can still enjoy the ride?

In all honesty all of the prospects look lackluster to me. Even the Brazilian neurosurgeon. He wrote too many lols and just seems like friend material. If I'm thirty, and single, then maybe I'll try internet dating but right now it's just not my thing.

I prefer getting to know a person without any expectations. Going to meet someone to see if there is a connection makes things feel inauthentic, rushed, and unnatural. I realize it works for some people, but I would at least like to meet the person in a natural setting rather than meeting for the first time knowing that we are sizing each other up to see whether or not we're a good fit. It feels like an interview. And of course each of us is going to put our best foot forward, so even if you are a great judge of character, it could be really hard to cut through the bullshit when you're not seeing the way the person interacts with people outside of your little bubble.

Oh, well. My life is super busy right now and I don't want to spend my free time trying to coordinate meet ups with people who could be crazies.

Guess I'm more old fashioned than I thought! 

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