I thought of something I want to do post graduation!
I want a job as a flight attendant! (Like Claire from Elizabethtown... minus the thick southern accent.) This way I can travel, meet new people, and in my spare time work on writing and film.
However my bubble was burst when I researched it last night...no one seems to be hiring. I guess I shouldn't be surprised there. Hopefully as the economy gets better, that will change. Hurry up already economy! I graduate in 3 months!
Anyone have an "in" with an airline and can help me out? That'd be nice.
Otherwise I am going to be thinking of new ways to make money once I graduate. I need an enjoyable, non-demanding side job (no more retail!!) so that I can work my way into the film industry. I'm going to look for some P.A. jobs, but those only last as long as the production...hmmm.
Lots to figure out in 12 weeks.
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