
A Tiny Triumph

I finally am doing it! I’m well on my way to giving up my 5 day a week Starbucks habit!

Since I’ve tried this before, and then fell back into the hands of the green mermaid, I put a twist to it.

Each month I’ve been spending between $80-$100 on Starbucks. If I can afford to throw that money at Starbucks, then I can afford to give that money to a charity.

So that’s what I’m doing. After 30 days, I am going to donate the money I would have spent at Starbucks to a charity. This has been the kick in the pants I needed because now, if I go to Starbucks, I feel like I’m cheating a charity out of money!

So far I’ve done well. It’s week three and I’ve only had Starbucks twice. (I'm allowing myself a once a week cheat day.)

Any idea on charities? I want to do donate to a charity that has to do with children. There are so many. I’m not sure what I’ll choose!

Side Note: This is a blog about Starbucks that I found interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so so much for linking to me. I take it you are in the States as you are speaking in dollars?

    In the UK they haven't paid corporation tax in years and when they did it was a small amount, due to how they do their international finances.

    There's a massive outcry about it in the UK at the moment.

    You are doing a good thing :-)

    Liska x
