
Bored in the Theatre: A Travesty.

Looking forward to the new show coming out called 'Parenthood'. I'm willing to check out anything produced by Ron Howard (creator of Arrested Development).

Another week is upon me, and still no headshots...thanks to SNOW. Please lay off, snow. I would like to accomplish some stuff this week, thank you. It's not like I live up north where I should be expecting this kind of weather.

I hope everyone is having a grand Valentine's Day. My birthday falls the day before, so it doesn't really get to me if I don't have a "valentine". Particularly this year has been great. For my birthday I went out with one of my best friends whom I've known since elementary school. We saw Valentine's Day....

Which brings me to my point:
Valentine's Day is NOT a good movie by any stretch of the imagination. I would like to hear someone's argument for why they liked the movie. I got extremely bored watching it, and that doesn't usually happen to me when I'm IN the theatre. (Although I did have a birthday martini or two in my system.) But I stand by my opinion that it was a poorly written screenplay. The movie solely rides on the fact that there are 10 billion stars in it.

Oh well.
Happy Valentine's.

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