So about that short film I've got in the works... It's my first real attempt at a short. I've done two shorts as a class assignment, but nothing that I would want to submit to a film festival. That's the goal for this one. I want it to be film festival worthy.
I wrote about it a few posts back, but I figure I can update on its progress.
I was hoping for it to be in post production by this's not. But that's the norm for these things...dates get pushed back.
So this past weekend was the first shoot...but one of the actors didn't show. Yeah, not exactly what I was hoping for. But we did get some shots, and now next time we'll be better prepared. So it wasn't a total loss.
The show will go on. I mean it
has too. (I need this for my senior portfolio!) I got in contact with the actor...he's still on board. Looks like shooting will resume next Saturday. The hardest part is working with everyone's schedules. And there's only four of us! School just gets in the way of filming...
Can't wait to graduate...two more months!
(When we film next I'll get some pictures to post! The location is definitely photo worthy!)
And I guess it's not really a short's not being shot on film, but short movie just sounds weird to me. I say this because one of my professors called me out on it... so now I don't know what to call it.