Lambuth- 4 months
Cumberland- 4 months
South Harpeth- 3 months
Hall house- 3 months
Lakeshore- one month
Stratford Mill- 4 months
Lincoln Street- 6 months
Four Mile- 8 months
Merlot Way- 8 months
Lark's house- 8.5 months
Avistele- 1 month
Goodwin - 1 week
Lakewood- 8 months (one week)
... A list of each place I have lived from the age of 18 to present, 24. I didn’t realize how many places, until I wrote them all down.
Looking at it makes me feel exhausted.
I made the list to figure out the exact amount of time I spent at each place. While having a heart to heart with my ‘sister’, the fact that I have moved so much came up. I started calculating in my head and figured out that the longest I have stayed in one place since moving away from home at 18, is 8 months. She brought a great metaphor to my attention when she said, “It takes nine months to have a baby.” That hit me really hard, in an obvious way- I see the parallel; since the age of 18 it’s been all about growing and changing-a gestation period emotionally and spiritually. I hadn’t quite reached the full term- and I illustrated that physically by continuously moving.
I am looking forward to the day that I reach my 9 month mark of living in one place. It will be comforting to have somewhere feel like home… finally.